Thursday, April 2, 2020

Field Report #27 - Bewitched

I am neck deep in to The Witcher 3 and WoW Classic and I fear I will never see the light of day, i.e play another game any time soon. This is exactly what happened the last time I played WoW and pretty much the only thing I didn't like about playing it - the fact that it took so much time from me playing other games.

I know, I know. Why don't I just... play other games? I don't know! Why does anyone do things they don't want to do although they actually want to do it, like eat too much candy?

I guess it's ok because I am genuinely enjoying myself. It's not like I am playing out of a feeling of obligation, because this time around I am not raiding or affecting other people much. To be fair, I tried to always steer clear out of playing WoW that way, and I think I succeeded most of the time (or at least succeeded into talking myself into that I wasn't playing for those reasons). (To be fair though, I am sort of also playing Hollow Knight, and enjoying that too!, but it's taking me forever to get through because of reasons so I barely count it).

So I am having a lot of fun with these two games (hence why I am playing them) but there is a niggle in the back of my head about all the other great games out there that I read about and want to play. I couldn't even begin to list them, then we'd be here all week.

We'll see what happens when FFVII remake comes out however because I have been looking forward to that game pretty much since it was announced and I don't see myself putting that on hold.

And now over to something completely else. You know when that annoying relative forces you to sit through their holiday pictures? Yes, this is going to be that. Except I can't force you to look at them I guess…

While looking through my extended hard drive for something completely else, I came across some folders of old WoW pictures. So let's share some! Personally I love looking at other people's old screenshots, so if you have already made a similar post like this I would love to give it a look.

October 2008. Me trying out my new "Polymorph Turtle" spell.

February 2008. Corpse run to Gruul's Lair on one of my alts. We managed to kill him eventually.

March 2008. Dancing naked in Karazhan, because why not.

April 2009. Proud Proto-Drake owners.

April 2009. Enjoying the beauty of Crystalsong Forest.

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April 2009. I levelled so many prot warriors.

April 2009. Those are a lot of talents to choose from. I miss it.

April 2008. Fun in Serpentshrine Cavern.

April 2008. Warlock ninjaing my gear in Uldaman. Good times.

April 2009. Raid healing Ulduar. Absolutely loved this raid.

There are tons more of these, the oldest are from early 2008 though and it would've been fun to have pictures of my first three years in WoW too. But I guess I can reminisce just by logging into the actual WoW Classic now (though I have no pictures from BC). I'll spare you the rest, for now.


  1. Ah,tis the blessing / curse / joy of The Witcher. It sucks you in to the near exclusion of all else. During the 75+ play hours (over a month or so) that I put into it, I touched basically nothing else game-related that entire time. If you tally up all the time during that period I spent playing games that was not The Witcher, it might've been two or three hours.

    I never got into W.o.W., and frankly, I'm kinda glad. Because that game is legendary for being like, one of the biggest, maybe THE biggest time sinkholes ever! �� And I realize that it never would've become so had it not been a great game, so I don't mean to besmirch it at all. It's just, I think I'm probably best to just steer clear. ��

    Lastly, I am kinda eager to see what FFVII remake is all about too. I may very well end up picking that one up soon!


    -St. John

    1. I have seen that reasoning regarding WoW from many other people and I'll be honest, I think it's pretty good thinking. It's kinda like not getting into smoking because you realize it's just not a good idea ^^
