Ranazjar Isle
A really small island off the coast of Desolace, it doesn't look like much. And it really isn't. You could throw a stone across it so it doesn't offer much exploring or adventure. It does hold a mysterious statue however, part of some quest no doubt, that I guess very few people do today.
Fray Isle
A little more interesting than Ranazjar Isle is without a doubt Fray Isle. If you've never played a warrior, or played a warrior and never done the berserker stance quest (it happens!), you wouldn't have much reason to go to this place. Located just outside of Ratchet, Fray Isle will soon turn into one of the most life bustling places in Azeroth. With the coming of Cataclysm Fray Island will play a central role to the new playabe race the Goblins. So if you want to catch a moment in peace on Fray Isle without one hundred newly created, crazy goblins running around your feet you should hurry over there and take a look.
Alcaz Island
Nothing is as mysterious as Alcaz Island however. It is full of elite mobs and even an elite boss (?) in the shape of a Gnome (and gnome shaped things must die, right?)! His name is Dr Weavil (the reference is quite obvious) and the island is located just outside of Dustwallow Marsh. He is part of an AQ quest chain that is never done anymore, so he rarely gets a visit any longer. You get a quest to go there as lowbie alliance, but then you have to make sure not too wander too far into the island as you'll surely be quickly killed by the various elite Nagas, Dragons and Hydras that also inhabit the island.
So if you're ever having one of those nights where you just don't know what to do, I suggest you run over to Fray Isle and take a look or Alcaz Island and give Dr Weavil a spankin (from me).
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