Monday, October 31, 2011

Life hits me full on

Hi guys (and gals)! Stuff happens, as we all know. And they've happened to me. One could call it a major catastrophe or the worst thing that has ever happened to me, but in short - I am going through a pretty rough patch. We all do, sooner or later. It just hurts so damn much. I won't bore you with long talks about whuda, culda and shuldas, because frankly at the moment I don't even have a clue about up and down.

Because of this I don't know if I'll be able to keep on posting (it's also the reason I haven't answered any comments, sorry!). On one hand everything seems meaningless (hey, do I sound depressed or something?), on the other hand I know I love writing and it is fully possible that I won't be able to stay away from it. That it in fact will allow me to move on, in whatever fashion I will have to do that.

I have had so much fun with the blog, you can't even imagine! And I don't want this to be good bye at all, just that things are out of my hands right now and have to settle down into... something, before I know what to do. I want to thank you all for the support and enthusiasm you've shown me over the time, and I really, really hope I'll be back asap.

But for now, and I have no idea for how long, the blog is on a hiatus. Until tomorrow, next week or next year but hopefully not forever. No one is more sorry than me.


  1. Your musings will be missed.
    Best of all to you Zinn.

  2. I'm sorry to hear that your life is "acting up". I hope things will settle down soon. I've always enjoyed your posts.

    Best of luck to you with everything!

  3. Hopefully everything will work out. Stay well!

  4. /hug I hope things work out for you Zinn!

  5. Sorries fer ta hear it. Life kicked me pretty hard a couple years ago, and I remembers what it weren't too fun. Keepin' good thoughts fer ya ta get through it, whatevers the details may be.

  6. I like to read this blog so I'll miss it for sure when it would comes to an end (for a while), but first things comes first. First thing is get your life back on track. Wish you (and Love?) all the strenght and wisdom to work things out.

  7. I'm sorry to hear it! :( I will move your blog to the "Hibernating" section of my feed reader and watch for the day when it shows up bold again and I'll know you are back! I hope everything in life treats you better soon, Zinn!

  8. Enjoyed reading your blog, hope things turn around for you soon

  9. Ack - hope things work out soon! Good luck.

  10. Will miss reading your blog. It's been really fun and enjoyable. Hope things works out for you! Kram!

  11. Oh no, Zinn! :( I hope that you'll be able to cope with whatever happened, and that things will get better in some way.

  12. *hugs* Hope things get better for you. We'll still be here waiting when you're able to start blogging again.

  13. Sorry that things have unraveled so to speak for you lately.

    Hopefully we shall see you again, but if not then thank you for your help and the sharing of your thoughts.

    I was always glad to come here and read not only your thoughts on the matter but the others that graced the blog with thier presence and insight. It was a place where you could come and ask questions and not recieve a flaming response regardless of how deep into raiding you had progressed.

    I hope you return, but if life takes you another direction, then good luck to you.

